38. European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC)
Die diesjährige European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC) wird vom 6. bis 10. September 2021 stattfinden und erneut vollständig virtuell abgehalten.
Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des ISFH werden insgesamt acht Vorträge (davon ein Plenary) halten und drei Poster vorstellen:
Montag, 6. September:
Dr. Robby Peibst: Beyond Single Junction Efficiencies (AP.1.2)
Dr. Robert Witteck: Hot Cells in High-Power PV Modules with Solar Cells from Larger Silicon Wafer Formats (4AV.1.25)
Dienstag, 7. September:
Dr. Verena Mertens: Local PECVD SiOxNy/n-Poly-Si Deposition through a Shadow Mask for POLO IBC Solar Cells (2BO.11.1)
Lasse Nasebandt: Controlling Doping Density in DC-Sputtered In-Situ Phosphorous-Doped Polysilicon Layers for Passivating Contacts (2BO.11.5)
Michael Rienäcker: On the Necessity to Avoid Strong Charges of Hydrogen-Donating Dielectric Layers on the p+-(i)-n+ Rear Side of Interdigitating Back-Contact Solar Cells (2BO.12.2)
Dr. Byungsul Min: Approaching 23% with p-Type Back Junction Solar Cells Featuring Screen-Printed Al Front Grid and Passivating Rear Contacts (2BO.12.4)
Mittwoch, 8. September:
Dr. Carsten Schinke: Analysis and Correction of Systematic Deviations in Measurements of the Spectral Irradiance of Solar Simulators (2CO.10.1)
Dr. Dennis Bredemeier: Fast and High-Resolution Calculation of Roof-Top and Façade PV Potentials Using Graphics Processor Accelerated Monte-Carlo Raytracing (5CV.3.10)
Donnerstag, 9. September:
Dr. Arnaud Morlier: Photovoltaic Modules with Natural Materials for a Seamless Building Integration (6DO.7.2)
Dr. Robby Peibst: Demonstration of Feeding VIPV-Converted Energy into the High-Voltage on-Board Network of Practical Light Commercial Vehicles for Range Extension (6DO.8.4)
Maximilian Stöhr: Firing-Stable PECVD SiOxNy/n-Poly-Si Passivating Contacts for High-Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells (2DV.3.2)