The objective of the “Friends” is to support the Institute for Solar Energy Research (ISFH) in Hamelin. This ranges from financial support of the infrastructure to accomplish research projects to support of keeping contacts between ISFH and economy.
The society reports in public about the work of ISFH and about its technical and economic relevance to steadily enlarge the acceptance of the use of solar energy in economy, politics and administration.
At the General Meeting on 25 November 2024 the board of directors was elected. Since then, the board of directors is composed of:
- Matthias Littwin (Chairman)
- Prof. Dr. Jobst Walter Dietz (Deputy Chairman)
- Susanne Treptow (Treasurer)
- Holger Böhning
- Hans Niemeyer
- Sven Szubin
Ute Buff was elected as auditor.
The members in 2023 are
Companies, corporations and institutions
- BHW Bausparkasse AG, Hameln
- C.W. Niemeyer GmbH & Co. KG, Hameln
- Dr. Paul Lohmann GmbH & Co. KGaA, Emmerthal
- elektroma GmbH, Hameln
- Gemeinde Emmerthal, Emmerthal
- Hochschule Weserbergland (HSW), Hameln
- IMT Technology GmbH, Hameln
- Innung SHK Hameln (Sanitär/Heizung), Hameln
- Klimaschutzagentur Weserbergland, Hameln
- Kreishandwerkerschaft Hameln-Pyrmont, Hameln
- KSG Kreissiedlungsgesellschaft mbH des Landkreises Hameln-Pyrmont, Hameln
- NWDH Holding AG, Hameln
- PAW GmbH & Co. KG, Hameln
- proKlima – Der enercity-Fonds, Hannover
- pv-tools GmbH, Hameln
- riha WeserGold Getränkeindustrie GmbH & Co. KG, Rinteln
- Sparkasse Hameln-Weserbergland, Hameln
- Stadt Hameln, Hameln
- Stadtwerke Bad Pyrmont GmbH, Bad Pyrmont
- Stadtwerke Hameln Weserbergland GmbH
- Stadtwerke Rinteln GmbH, Rinteln
- Steinmann BAU GmbH, Emmerthal
- Stiebel Eltron GmbH & Co. KG, Holzminden
- Viega GmbH & Co. KG, Attendorn
- Westfalen Weser Netz GmbH, Paderborn
- Zacharias Gebäudetechnik GmbH, Hameln
- Ute Buff, Emmerthal
- Peter Specht, Hameln
- Horst Zacharias, Hameln