Welcome to the Institute for Solar Energy Research in Hamelin (ISFH)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Brendel
(Scientific Director and CEO)
The energy transition needs solar energy. Solar energy protects our climate, is available everywhere, is popular with the population and generates electricity and heat close to where the energy is needed. And: The rapid expansion of solar energy worldwide holds great economic opportunities for our export country!
For these reasons we foster solar energy by doing applied research in the fields of “Photovoltaics” and “Solar Systems”. “Innovation with impact” is our motto for more than 30 years. We are cooperating with the industry, with other research institutions, and with universities. ISFH is associated with the “Leibniz Universität Hannover”.
We are happy to answer your requests, whether you are from industry and interested in co-operations or in using our scientific services, or whether you are a student interested in one of our advertised academic works or whether you are interested in one of our job openings. Your ideas count!
Welcome to the fascinating world of science and technology for solar energy!
Kalyon PV and ISFH Collaborate on POLO IBC Cell Technology
Kalyon PV and the Institute for Solar Energy Research Hamelin (ISFH) are excited to announce a pioneering collaboration focused on the development and optimization of innovative POLO IBC (Polycrystalline silicon on Oxide Interdigitated Back Contact) cell technology....
Innovative AUTAGDRONE research project starts
Classic electroluminescence image of a solar module in the laboratory. At the top right you can see a crack in a solar cell. (Image: ISFH - Institute for Solar Energy Research GmbH)The research project for the cost-effective inspection of industrial PV systems...
New measurement technology for fast inspection of solar parks
Solar parks are usually checked for defects in the solar field using infrared images taken by drones. This monitoring method is particularly simple and time-efficient. Unfortunately, not all defects in the solar modules can be detected with this method and the...
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