
The ISFH budget broken down into funding sources.

The structure of personnel and number of employees at ISFH.

The Institute for Solar Energy Research Hamelin (ISFH) is a non-profit organization whose sole proprietor is the state of Lower Saxony. Institutional funding comes from the budget of the Ministry for Science and Culture and makes up 30 % of the total budget (income in 2022) of € 12.2 million for the reporting year.

In addition to this institutional support from the State Government of Lower Saxony, the Institute receives so-called third-party funding from public research sponsors such as the Federal Government, the State Government of Lower Saxony or the European Union (EU). The income from public research projects was € 6.6 million in the reporting year, the majority of which was joint research with the solar industry. In addition, direct industrial third-party funding also comes from services and contract research amounting to € 1.9 million.

At the end of 2022 ISFH had 150 employees. The majority of the staff consists of scientific and technical personnel and Ph.D. students to undertake research projects. The students comprise undergraduates from universities or technical colleges employed at ISFH as part of their scientific training.

The Institute for Solar Energy Research GmbH site on the Ohrberg comprises an area of 32 000m². Currently there are four research buildings on it with a total floor space of 7 500m². In addition, in the unbuilt areas or on the roofs there is the possibility to carry out outdoor tests on currently 2 000m² of test area.