Projects of the Solar systems department
Current projects
- TEN.efzn – Transformation of the Energy System in Lower Saxony (TEN.efzn) – Heat
- UrbanGroundHeat – Heat transition in existing urban districts: Deployment of shallow geothermal energy depending on technical, economic and legal constraints
- WoSta4.0 – Development of smart heat interface units and demonstration of networked, highly efficient, regenerative heat supply for Multi-Family House
- TA-DTE-XL – Characterization and testing of instantaneous water heaters
- HP-BIG – Reduction of the heat price of large-scale solar thermal systems with heat pipe vacuum tube collectors
- Trans2NT-TWW – Transformation to low temperature domestic water systems
- Solar VHF – Solar thermal activation of rear-ventilated facades for multi-storey residential buildings: Development, integration into the energy supply system and demonstration
Finished projects
- Geo-Resume – Sustainable operation of large geothermal heat pump systems by regeneration with solar, environmental and waste heat
- integraTE – Initiative for the market establishment and promotion of thermal-electrical energy supply systems using PVT collectors and heat pumps in the building sector
- BIMPV – Retrospective BIM approach for life-cycle oriented integration of BIPV systems in the facade
- FeBOp-MFH – Field analysis to optimize the operation of heat supply in multi-family houses
- HP-SYS – Development and demonstration of innovative, stagnation safe solar thermal systems with heat-pipes collectors
- SolarProfil – Solar activated U-shaped profiled glass for building integration
- P 1253 – Building-integrated solar steel sandwich elements with mineral wool core for industrial and commercial construction
- ProTask – Process engineering, quality assurance and system solutions for thermochromic absorber in solar thermal collectors
- SUW-MFH – Solar assisted heat units in multi-family houses
- Terra-Solar-Quelle – Horizontal ground heat exchangers and solar thermal collectors as heat source for highly efficient heat pump systems
- HP-Koll – Cost-effective and reliable solar systems with novel heat pipe collectors
- Passive house Kahle – Metrological testing of an innovative system concept in a passive house
- SH-T-opt – Development of a Concept for Temperature-optimized Heat Production in Solar Active Houses
- Solar Hybrid – Development and evaluation of an uncovered modular photovoltaic-thermal collector based on a mounting system with integrated construction
- Solar Glas – Development of a cost efficient, solar activated glass façade for heat and electricity production
- HeiSta – Characterization of new components in heating technology: Domestic hot water modules and dwelling stations
- MFH-re-Net – Concepts for the reduction of conventionally generated heat distribution losses in solar-assisted multi-family houses