Projects of the Photovoltaics department
Together with you we are working on the next generation PV components. A selection of our projects:
Current projects
- BURST – Breaking Limits Using Record Enabling Silicon Technology With Photonic Management
- Batman – Novel wet-chemical batch processes for future industrial silicon solar cells
- OBELIX – Surfaces under field conditions: Analysis of the limitations for novel c-Si solar cells
- OLIVIA – High-performance, cost-effective IBC solar cells for future PV production in Germany
- FuturePV – Graduate Research School “Fundamentals for photovoltaic technologies of the future”
- NextGenPV – Next generation photovoltaics – Lower Saxony competence network
- Design-PV – Development of a photovoltaic-activated design façade
- DIGI-PV – Digital planning and automated production of building-integrated photovoltaics
- ARTEMIS – POLO technology with less silver consumption for PV modules as a contribution to secure energy supply with less dependency on import
- LongLife – Cost-efficient reliability of PV power plants and inverter technology
- FeatureGeneration – Generation of new measurement variables from IV measurement for industrial mass production
- APOLON – Investor-oriented development of POLO technology for a PV production in Germany and Europe
- AluPV – Aluminum facade elements with integrated photovoltaic modules for architectural solar facades
- IBC4EU – Piloting novel cost-competitive bifacial IBC technology for vertical integrated European GW scale PV production value chain
- ZUPER – Reliability and performance of PV Modules, Systems and Applications
- PROMPT – Laser process and measurement technology for photovoltaic modules made of large-area silicon solar cells of the next generation
Finished projects
- APERO – APCVD for perovskite solar cells
- TOP – Highly conductive transparent oxides for photovoltaics
- BIMPV – Retrospective BIM approach for life-cycle oriented integration of BIPV systems in the facade
- 27plus6 – Evaluation of innovative photovoltaic materials and individual processes at flagship efficiency level
- 2Power-Pero – Installation of a laboratory for Si-perovskite tandem solar cells
- Voyager-PV – Fully integrated and system-optimized electronic solutions in the solar module
- POPEI – Production technologies for high-performance cost-effective IBC solar cells
- 2Power– Installation of a laboratory for Si-perovskite tandem solar cells
- P3T – Perovskite-POLO-PERC tandem solar cells and modules
- HighLite – High-performance low-cost modules with excellent environmental profiles for a competitive EU PV manufacturing industry
- ProVe – Processes and components for high active area fractions in PV modules
- SUPER PV – CoSt redUction and enhanced PERformance of PV systems
- NanoPERC– Industrial processes for nanocontacted poly-Si layers for a PERC successor technology with passivating contacts
- UltraPERC – New production technologies for highly efficient PERC solar cells
- Street – Use of highly efficient solar cells in electrically powered utility vehicles
- Task 13-3 – Management and collaboration in Task 13 ‘Performance, Operation and Reliability of Photovoltaic Systems’ Phase 2018 – 2021 within the Photovoltaic Power Systems (PVPS) Programme of the International Energy Agency (IEA)
- GENESIS – Novel and advanced production processes for the next generation of silicon solar cells
- LIMES – Subproject 3: Identification and analysis of long-term changes in the bulk and at the surface of silicon wafers and solar cells
- Nextstep – Subproject: 23% PERC+ and POLO cells for reliable SmartWire modules with solar cell process-based bypass diodes
- PV-Enerate – Advanced PV Energy Rating
- EASi – Epitaxy-free absorber for cost-efficient tandem solar cells based on silicon
- SiPoly – Evaluating the potential of crystalline silicon solar cells using carrier selective polymer layers
- DISC – Double-side contacted solar cells with Innovative carrier-Selective Contacts
- Upgrade-Si-PV – Subproject: Industrially feasible deactivation of the boron-oxygen complex in silicon wafers and solar cells
- Fidelitas – Methods to assess reliability of PV modules and their components