This year’s European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC) will take place from September 6-10, 2021, and will once again be held entirely virtually.

ISFH scientists will give a total of eight talks (including one plenary) and present three posters:

Monday, 6. September:
Dr. Robby Peibst: Beyond Single Junction Efficiencies (AP.1.2)
Dr. Robert Witteck: Hot Cells in High-Power PV Modules with Solar Cells from Larger Silicon Wafer Formats (4AV.1.25)

Tuesday, 7. September:
Dr. Verena Mertens: Local PECVD SiOxNy/n-Poly-Si Deposition through a Shadow Mask for POLO IBC Solar Cells (2BO.11.1)
Lasse Nasebandt: Controlling Doping Density in DC-Sputtered In-Situ Phosphorous-Doped Polysilicon Layers for Passivating Contacts (2BO.11.5)
Michael Rienäcker: On the Necessity to Avoid Strong Charges of Hydrogen-Donating Dielectric Layers on the p+-(i)-n+ Rear Side of Interdigitating Back-Contact Solar Cells (2BO.12.2)
Dr. Byungsul Min: Approaching 23% with p-Type Back Junction Solar Cells Featuring Screen-Printed Al Front Grid and Passivating Rear Contacts (2BO.12.4)

Wednesday, 8. September:
Dr. Carsten Schinke: Analysis and Correction of Systematic Deviations in Measurements of the Spectral Irradiance of Solar Simulators (2CO.10.1)
Dr. Dennis Bredemeier: Fast and High-Resolution Calculation of Roof-Top and Façade PV Potentials Using Graphics Processor Accelerated Monte-Carlo Raytracing (5CV.3.10)

Thursday, 9. September:
Dr. Arnaud Morlier: Photovoltaic Modules with Natural Materials for a Seamless Building Integration (6DO.7.2)
Dr. Robby Peibst: Demonstration of Feeding VIPV-Converted Energy into the High-Voltage on-Board Network of Practical Light Commercial Vehicles for Range Extension (6DO.8.4)
Maximilian Stöhr: Firing-Stable PECVD SiOxNy/n-Poly-Si Passivating Contacts for High-Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells (2DV.3.2)