Joint project: BIMPV – Retrospective BIM approach for life-cycle oriented integration of BIPV systems in the facade

Dr. Bianca Lim
Tel.: +49(0)5151-999 403

M.Sc. Wael Mandow
Tel.: +49(0)5151-999 523

Building Information Modelling (BIM), the networking of project processes and the interoperability between all project’s participants.

Schematic representation of an IFC object of a PV thermal collector.

Achieving the challenging climate protection goals in the building sector requires new architectural and HVAC related solutions. Facade-integrated solar technologies offer a promising approach for this purpose, but have not yet been able to get established on the market. Reasons for this can be found both in the individual phases of their lifecycle (LC) and in the interdisciplinary aspects.

As part of this cross-departmental project and in cooperation with partners from science and industry, the entire life cycle (planning, production, assembly, operation and recycling) of building-integrated photovoltaic and photovoltaic-thermal systems (building integrated PV and PVT, BIPV and BIPVT) is analyzed using a demonstration building. The digital method Building Information Modeling (BIM) will be used for this interdisciplinary optimization. BIM is a method of cooperation based on digital models with which information and data relevant to the life cycle of a construction can be consistently and digitally recorded, managed, and exchanged in a transparent way between the project’s participants (architects, designer, installers, operators, etc.).

ISFH will work primarily on yield simulations and forecasts as well as on operational analysis, with a focus on PVT applications in the Solar Systems Department. The knowledge gained on the demonstration object will be supplemented by setting up a PVT facade test stand at the ISFH. By means of laboratory as well as field measurements on the test stand, a BIM-based model for the PVT facade will be developed and used for both operational analysis and energy simulation.


Associate partner

Logo Büro Grobe

Duration of the project

01.12.2020 – 31.08.2024


The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action under grant no 03EN1010B. The responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors.

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