Research topic: System components

Dipl.-Ing. Carsten Lampe
Tel.: +49 (0)5151-999 522

Versuchsaufbau Heatpipe- und Direct-Flow-System

Test rig for domestic hot water modules and dwelling stations

Solarthermisches Glaspaneel

Visualization of pipe internal recirculation


The activities cover non-solar components in thermal energy systems such as thermal storage systems, transfer stations, heat pumps, and gas boilers. Another main focus is the development and maintenance of test rigs, system support, and the supply of sensor and measurement technology to all labs of the department.

Assessment of components and development of test procedures

To measure and assess important characteristics of system components, it is necessary to assess the component itself as well as take into account different system concepts and the behavior of the component as part of a system. We develop methods for testing and assessment and perform manufacturer-independent evaluations of components of thermal energy systems. Additionally, we cooperate with the “Thermal energy systems” group to evaluate the role of components as part of energy systems on a laboratory-scale using hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) and in-situ measurements.

Development of test rigs

Using the expertise gained from testing components, which includes the demands on test rigs and measurement setups, we develop protocols and test rigs for research projects as well as for performing tests in accordance with the standard ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation as part of ISFH’s calibration and test center (CalTeC).