2nd Module Workshop

3 February 2015 – Emmerthal, Germany

Dr. Marc Köntges
Tel.: +49(0)5151-999 432
E-Mail: m.köntges@isfh.de

Modul Klimakammer


2nd Workshop

Impact of mechanical and thermal loads on the long term stability of PV modules

The Institute of Structural Analysis (ISD) at the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover and the Institute for Solar Energy Research Hamelin (ISFH) organized the workshop “Impact of mechanical and thermal loads on the long term stability of PV modules” on th 3rd February 2015 at ISD.

The main focus of this workshop is on mechanical and electrical characterization as well as on simulation of the behavior of PV modules. Both are imperative to understand power degradation of PV modules and to increase reliability. Invited speakers from research gave an overview of their current work.

The program

09:20 Novel n-type wafer-based silicon solar cell architectures being developed at IMEC, I. Gordon, Silicon Photov. Group, IMEC, Belgium
Novel n-type wafer-based silicon solar cell architectures being developed at IMEC

09:50 CZM for the prediction of inter- and intra-granular cracks in polycrystalline silicon , J. Remmers, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands

10:20 Computational analysis of inter- and trans-granular failure in polycrystalline silicon solar cells, R. Nabavi, ISD, LUH, Germany
Computational analysis of inter- and trans-granular failure in polycrystalline silicon solar cells

11:30 Interaction betweenweathering of solarmodules and in-laminate strength of solar cells, S. Dietrich, Fraunhofer CSP Halle, Germany
Interaction betweenweathering of solarmodules and in-laminate strength of solar cells

12:00 Afully coupled thermo-hygro-mechanical theory for the analysis of diusive phenomena in photovoltaic modules, M. Paggi, IMT Lucca, Italy
Afully coupled thermo-hygro-mechanical theory for the analysis of diusive phenomena in photovoltaic modules

14:00 Micromechanical modeling of brittle polycrystalline films, S. Mariani, Politecnico Milano, Italy
Micromechanical modeling of brittle polycrystalline films

14:30 Measurement of mechanical stress in interconnected silicon solar cells, J. Käsewieter, ISFH, Emmerthal, Germany
Measurement of mechanical stress in interconnected silicon solar cells

15:40 Stress Analysis of Silicon-Wafer-Based Photovoltaic Modules in Operation, Andrew A. O. TAY, Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS) and Department of Mechanical Engineering National University of Singapore, Singapore
Stress Analysis of Silicon-Wafer-Based Photovoltaic Modules in Operation

16:10 Impact of cracks in multicrystalline silicon solar cells on PV module power, A. Morlier, ISFH, Emmerthal, Germany