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C Xu; J Vollbrecht; R Clausing

Analytical model for optical permittivity in direct bandgap semiconductors with Gaussian distributed bandgap energies Artikel

In: Optics Letters, Bd. 50, Nr. 2, S. 371–374, 2025.

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M A Green; E D Dunlop; M Yoshita; N Kopidakis; K Bothe; G Siefer; X Hao; J Y Jiang

Solar Cell Efficiency Tables (Version 65) Artikel

In: Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, Bd. 33, Nr. 1, S. 3-15, 2025.

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B Min; V Mertens; Y Larionova; T Pernau; H Haverkamp; T Dullweber; R Peibst; R Brendel

24.2% efficient POLO back junction solar cell with an AlOx/SiNy dielectric stack from an industrial-scale direct plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition system Artikel

In: Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, Bd. 33, Nr. 1, S. 236-244, 2025.

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C Graf; P Pärisch; A Marszal-Pomianowska; M Frandsen; B Bendinger; A Cadenbach

Domestic hot water systems in well-insulated residential buildings: A comparative simulation study on efficiency and hygiene challenges Artikel

In: Energy, Bd. 313, S. 133587, 2024, ISSN: 0360-5442.

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C. Lohr; F. Peterssen; M. Schlemminger; A. Bensmann; R. Niepelt; R. Brendel; R. Hanke-Rauschenbach

Multi-criteria energy system analysis of onshore wind power distribution in climate-neutral Germany Artikel

In: Energy Reports, Bd. 12, S. 1905-1920, 2024, ISSN: 2352-4847.

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W Veurman; J Kern; L Pflüger; H Wagner-Mohnsen; M Müller; P P Altermatt; Z Y Lou; M Stolterfoht; F Haase; S Kajari-Schröder; R Peibst

Deciphering hysteresis in perovskite solar cells: Insights from device simulations distinguishing shallow traps from mobile ions Artikel

In: Solar Energy, Bd. 284, S. 113037, 2024, ISSN: 0038-092X.

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M Schlemminger; D Bredemeier; A Mahner; R Niepelt; M H Breitner; R Brendel

Rooftop PV Potential Determined by Backward Ray Tracing: A Case Study for the German Regions of Berlin, Cologne, and Hanover Artikel

In: Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, Bd. 32, Nr. 12, S. 912-929, 2024.

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J Schmidt; M Winter; F Souren; J Bolding; H Vries

Excellent Passivation of Silicon Surfaces by HfO2 Layers Deposited using Scalable Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition (SALD) Proceedings Article

In: WIP, (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, WIP-Munich, Vienna, Austria, 2024.

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T Dullweber; V Mertens; M Winter; S Schimanke; M Ripke; S Dorn; Y Larionova; G Lange; K Bothe; J Schmidt; R Brendel; A K Dahle; Ö Coskun; N Töre Sen

Optimized Ga-Doped Cz Wafers for POLO IBC Solar Cells with High Efficiency and Minimal LeTID Degradation Proceedings Article

In: WIP, (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, WIP-Munich, Vienna, Austria, 2024.

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F Buchholz; D Tune; T Messmer; J Linke; M Prasad; V Mihailetchi; J Ulbikas; A Dahle; M Meereboer; F Fabris; E Eikelboom; T Borgers; R Dyck; F Duerinckx; H Sivaramakrishnan; S Harrison; J Kester; N Guillevin; J Kroon; V Mertens; T Dullweber; O Shochet; I Rosen; I Röver; W Palitzsch; Y Zaror; J Stierstorfer; A Radzevicius; P Lukinskas; J Denafas; T Vanhanen; T Savisalo; M Pospischil; M Breitenbücher; Ö Coşkun; M l'Epine; P Macé

IBC4EU: First Results of Industrialization of Low Cost, High Efficiency IBC Technology Proceedings Article

In: WIP, (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, WIP-Munich, Vienna, Austria, 2024.

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E Hoffmann; G Gregory; M Centazzo; M Khan; N Khan; V Mertens; P Jäger; S Spätlich; U Baumann; T Dullweber

Self-Aligned Phase Separation for IBC Cells Using PVD Polysilicon Proceedings Article

In: WIP, (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, 2024.

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J Jensen; B Schiebler; S Kabelac; F Giovannetti

Modeling of solar thermal heat pipe collectors with overheating prevention in system simulations Artikel

In: Solar Energy, Bd. 282, S. 112861, 2024, ISSN: 0038-092X.

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T Katkus; S H Ng; H Mu; N H An Le; D Stonytė; Z Khajehsaeidimahabadi; G Seniutinas; J Baltrukonis; O Ulčinas; M Mikutis; V Sabonis; Y Nishijima; M Rienäcker; U Römer; J Krügener; R Peibst; S John; S Juodkazis

Bessel-Beam Direct Write of the Etch Mask in a Nano-Film of Alumina for High-Efficiency Si Solar Cells Artikel

In: Advanced Engineering Materials, Bd. 26, Nr. 21, S. 2400711, 2024.

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S Baumann; G E Eperon; A Virtuani; Q Jeangros; D B Sulas-Kern; D Barrit; J Schall; W Nie; G Oreski; M Khenkin; C Ulbrich; R Peibst; J S Stein; M Köntges

Stability and reliability of perovskite containing solar cells and modules: degradation mechanisms and mitigation strategies Artikel

In: Energy Environ. Sci., Bd. 17, S. 7566-7599, 2024.

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M Köntges

ZUPER - Zuverlässigkeit und Performance von PV-Modulen, Systemen und Anwendungen – Herausforderungen bei Perowskit/Silizium Tandemsolarmodulen Vortrag

Online Event, 09.10.2024, (PV-Dialog: Perspektiven und Projekte aus der Photovoltaikforschung - Perowskit-Technologien).



J Schmidt; M Winter; F Souren; J Bolding; H Vries

Electronic Passivation of Crystalline Silicon Surfaces Using Spatial-Atomic-Layer-Deposited HfO2 Films and HfO2/SiN Stacks Artikel Geplante Veröffentlichung

In: physica status solidi (RRL) – Rapid Research Letters, S. 2400255, Geplante Veröffentlichung.

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I Kafedjiska; C Breyer; C Busto; N Cherradi; P Fath; B Lim; D Moser; R Preu; E Roman; R Schlatmann; M Topič; J Trube; E Vartiainen

European PV Manufacturing and LCOE: Ensuring Resilience and Competitiveness Through R&I and Industrial Policies Vortrag

Vienna, Austria, 27.09.2024, (41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition).

Abstract | BibTeX


H Schulte-Huxel; T Manthey; T Brinker; P Ranft; H Woock; T Hahn; L Moerlein; S Blankemeyer; A Skorcz; M Köntges; D Manteuffel; J Friebe

Fully Integrated and System-Optimized Electronic Solutions on Solar Modules Vortrag

Vienna, Austria, 27.09.2024, (41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition).

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H Hu; S X An; Y Li; S Orooji; R Singh; F Schackmar; F Laufer; Q Jin; T Feeney; A Diercks; F Gota; S Moghadamzadeh; T Pan; M Rienäcker; R Peibst; P Fassl; B Abdollahi Nejand; U W Paetzold

Triple-Junction Perovskite-Perovskite-Silicon Photovoltaics Vortrag

Vienna, Austria, 25.09.2024, (41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition).

Abstract | BibTeX


J Schmidt; M Winter; F Souren; J Bolding; H de Vries

Excellent Passivation of Silicon Surfaces by HfO2 Layers Deposited Using Scalable Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition Vortrag

Vienna, Austria, 25.09.2024, (41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition).

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