Project leader:
Dipl.-Ing. Fabian Hüsing
Tel.: +49 (0)5151-999 645

On 28.02.2018, a workshop on the ISFH project “Ground heat exchangers and solar collectors as optimized bivalent source for highly efficient heat pump systems“ will take place at the trade fair grounds in Offenbach. Findings will be presented cooperatively with project partners tewag GmbH and Bundesverband Wärmepumpe (BWP). The workshop is held in cooperation with the Institute for Building Services and Energy Design of the Technical University of Braunschweig which will present findings of a project on the energetic and economic assessment of different heat sources for heat pumps (future:heatpump / FKZ 03ET1273A).

Participation is free of charge. Further information can be found in the invitation.

Flyer: Workshop GeoTHERM 2018

Project link