Solar activated U-shaped profiled glass for building integration

Dr.-Ing. Federico Giovannetti
Tel.: +49 (0)5151-999 501

Test façade module

Schematische Darstellung des Fassadenprofils mit integriertem, solarthermischem Absorber

In the project “SolarProfil”, we are working in cooperation with the companies Flachglas Sachsen GmbH and Eilenburger Fenstertechnik GmbH & Co. KG at the development of a solar thermally activated U-shaped profiled glass. Solar thermally activated means the integration of a solar thermal absorber in the air gap of a double shelled profiled glass structure, which enables the active use of solar energy for space heating, domestic hot water preparation or to support industrial processes. In the present case we use an absorber with gravitational heat pipes in the “dry” connection to the solar circuit. This offers several advantages compared to the direct flow absorber, especially with regard to the application in the facade and specifically to the integration in profiled glass. The installation of the absorber can be optimally integrated into the typical assembly process of the profiled glass system. Furthermore, the hydraulic connection of the collectors can be realized with low pressure drop and by easily venting the solar circuit. Profiled glass is usually used in industrial and commercial buildings, but also in residential and public buildings such as schools, theatres and museums – mainly where a large amount of daylight is desired or required. However, through the integration of a thermal absorber in the air gap of a double shelled profiled glass, the passive solar gains are reduced. The overall aim of the project is to investigate the combination between passive and active use of solar irradiation for representative façade and building typologies based on system simulations with TRNSYS.

Industry partner: FLACHGLAS Sachsen GmbH, Wurzener Straße 93, 04668 Grimma, Germany

Logo Flachglas Sachsen GmbH

Eilenburger Fenstertechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Am Lauchberg 1, 04838 Eilenburg, Germany

Logo Eilenburger Fenstertechnik GmbH

Duration: 01.08.2018 – 31.08.2021

The project “Solar Profile / Investigation of absorber materials and heat transfer components, simulation and measurement on the pilot building” is funded by the State of Lower Saxony and by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy under the reference number 16KN070723 based on a decision of the German Parliament. The authors alone are responsible for the content of this publication.

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