Instituts-Kolloquium: Daylight Photoluminescence Imaging of Silicon Solar Modules and PV Systems
Am Dienstag, den 12. März, um 14:00 Uhr findet im Vortragssaal ein Instituts-Kolloquium statt.
Prof. Thorsten Trupke (UNSW, Sydney) referiert zum Thema ‚Daylight Photoluminescence Imaging of Silicon Solar Modules and PV Systems‘.
Photoluminescence (PL) imaging is a well-established and powerful technique, that is widely used in both R&D and in high volume manufacturing for the characterisation of crystalline silicon ingots, wafers, solar
cells and modules.
Given the wealth of information that is contained in luminescence images about material and device defects, PL imaging is also ideally suited for the inspection of PV modules in the field, and for quality assessment in PV power plants. In this presentation recent progress with the development of daylight PL (DPL) imaging of crystalline silicon modules and of PV systems during daytime, where the sun itself is used as the sole excitation source, will be reviewed. Several unique DPL imaging solutions will be discussed, that enable the separation of the comparatively weak PL signal from the several orders of magnitude stronger ambient sunlight. These imaging solutions, without exemption, are applied without making any modification to the PV system’s wiring and without electrically connecting any specific electronic equipment to the system, representing a substantial practical advantage compared to alternate
Results from several recent field tests of DPL imaging techniques on both residential rooftops and on large utility scale solar farms will be presented, with strong emphasis on the quantitative analysis of DPL image data in terms of module degradation.
Alle Institutsangehörige, Freunde und auswärtige Gäste des ISFH sind zu dieser Veranstaltung herzlich eingeladen.