Emmerthal (RGo/WRS). In April 2017, a student laboratory based on the model of the Niedersächsische Lernwerkstatt für Solare Energiesysteme (NILS) will be opened at the International Solar Energy Research Center Konstanz e. V., or “ISC Konstanz” for short. NILS was...
ContactDr. Felix HaaseTel.: +49(0)5151-999 313E-Mail: f.haase@isfh.de Photograph of the 25.0 %-efficient monocrystalline silicon solar cell with POLO-contacts for both polarities on the solar cell rear side. The bottom solar cell shows the rear side of the solar cells...
Emmerthal (RGo). In the competition for the “Energy Award 2016”, Fabian Hüsing from the Institute for Solar Energy Research has been named one of six winners. The graduate engineer in mechanical engineering received the prize for his diploma thesis “Thermal...
ContactProf. Dr. Robby PeibstTel.: +49(0)5151-999 313E-Mail: r.peibst@isfh.de Double-side contacted solar cells with Innovative carrier-Selective Contacts (DISC) Successful project launch Emmerthal (RP). The European Commission represented by the Innovation and...
ContactDr. Karsten BotheTel.: +49(0)5151-999 425E-Mail: k.bothe@isfh.de Emmerthal (KB). The Institute for Solar Energy Research Hamelin (ISFH), an affiliated institute of the “Leibniz Universität Hannover”, is running the Calibration and Test Center (ISFH CalTeC),...
Components of a tandem solar cell developed by EASi scientists: metallic precursor (white) of a novel epitaxially grown absorber layer (grey) and a Si-base cell (blue patterned). Emmerthal (RNi). Yesterday, the kick-off meeting for the new research project EASi...