Precise measurements of the electricity yield of solar cells are key to the correct yield prognosis of solar systems, but also indispensable for highest level solar cell development. Since 2016, the solar cell calibration laboratory ISFH CalTeC belongs to the small group of measuring laboratories in the world that are officially accredited for the calibration of solar cells and can offer this service to industry and research. The results of two current international intercomparisons underline the high measuring accuracy and precision of the ISFH CalTeC.

Within the EURAMET ENG55 “PhotoClass” project, financed by the European Metrology Research Progamme (EMRP) two internation intercomparions have been carried out between eight international solar cell calibration laboratories. While one round robin was organized to document the current uncertainty in the measurement of the short-circuit current temperature coefficient (, the second round robin was performed to document variations in the calibration of reference solar cells ( In both cases, ISFH CalTeC showed excellent agreement with the other participants indicating a high measurement accuracy and precision of the ISFH solar cell calibration laboratory.

More details and recent news about the ISFH solar cell calibration laboratory can be found on our research gate site:

The national accreditation body of the Federal Republic of Germany DAkkS (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle) accredits under the registration number D-K-18657-01-00 the ISFH CalTeC according to ISO 17025 for the calibration of solar cells. The subjects of the accreditation are the measurements of the spectral responsivity (SR) and the determination of the characteristic parameters (Isc, Voc, FF and η) of the current voltage (IV) curve of solar cells measured under standard test conditions (STC) as defined in the IEC60904 standards. The calibration service of the ISFH CalTeC focuses on the measurement of wafer-based silicon solar cells from laboratory up to industrial formats.