Stephan Weil, Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, visited the Institute for Solar Energy Research Hameln/Emmerthal (ISFH) together with Ulrich Watermann, Member of the State Parliament, on 18 March 2017. 

At ISFH in Emmerthal near Hamelin, the Prime Minister gained insight into the development of highly efficient and cost-effective solar systems. In particular, he visited the recently opened calibration laboratory “ISFH Calibration and Test Center” (ISFH-CalTeC), which offers calibrated measurements on solar cells and spectrometers for industry.

This test center was accredited in October 2016 for the calibration of solar cells. With the accreditation, the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) confirmed that the solar cell calibration laboratory of CalTeC fulfils the quality requirements of the ISO 17025 standard and can measure solar cells according to the requirements of the IEC 60904 standards.

“Lower Saxony is a pioneer in the energy revolution. This naturally (in the truest sense of the word) applies to wind energy, but our state also has a lot to offer in terms of solar energy. A particularly good example of this is ISFH, which has gained an excellent reputation in the field of research. The state will therefore continue to actively support this excellent institution “, said the Prime Minister in his speech.