Press releases
Kalyon PV and ISFH Collaborate on POLO IBC Cell Technology
Kalyon PV and the Institute for Solar Energy Research Hamelin (ISFH) are excited to announce a pioneering collaboration focused on the development and optimization of innovative POLO IBC (Polycrystalline silicon on Oxide Interdigitated Back Contact) cell technology....
Calibration of solar cells with edge lengths of up to 210 mm starts at ISFH CalTeC with a new WAVELABS LED solar simulator
A measurement system for the calibration of large-area solar cells with edge lengths of up to 210 mm is now available to all customers at ISFH CalTeC. This system enables the measurement of current-voltage characteristics and addresses the ever-increasing...
Solar irradiance sensor specialist Mencke und Tegtmeyer brings large-area reference solar cell from ISFH to market
High-precision measurement technology from the laboratory is making its way into industry: Ingenieurbüro Mencke und Tegtmeyer GmbH (IB-MuT) has brought the large-area reference solar cell "BigRef", pre-developed by the Institute for Solar Energy Research (ISFH), to...
Practical range extension of a light electric delivery vehicle through vehicle-integrated photovoltaics with high-voltage connection
Emmerthal/Nuremberg: An electric vehicle (almost) without dependence on charging stations – that sounds like dreams of the future, but the first steps towards it are being taken right now. The consortium of the “Street” research project, consisting of the coordinating...
POLO solar cell in orbit around Earth
Michael Rienäcker and Dr. Felix Haase from ISFH in search of their POLO solar cell.NASA sends solar cells from Emmerthal piggybacking on the International Space Station through space. Admittedly, she is rather unknown to the public, but she is the first Emmerthal...
ISFH honored twice for work on POLO technology
Dr. Pierre Verlinden (left) and Dr. Robert Kenny (right) present the EU PVSEC Student Award 2018 to Ms. Christina Klamt (centre). © Photo EU PVSECSolar + Power Award 2018, R&D category © Photo ISFHBrussels (Lim): Christina Klamt, PhD student at the Institute for Solar...
26.1% record efficiency for p-type crystalline Si solar cells
Contact Project leader:Dr. Felix HaaseTel.: +49(0)5151-999 313E-Mail: f.haase@isfh.deWorkgroup leader:Prof. Dr. Robby PeibstTel.: +49(0)5151-999 313E-Mail: r.peibst@isfh.deMonocrystalline silicon solar cell with POLO-contacts for both polarities on the solar cell rear...
ISFH-CalTeC is “designated test centre” for the confirmation of solar cell world records
ContactDr. Karsten BotheTel.: +49(0)5151-999 425E-Mail: k.bothe@isfh.deContacting of a solar cell for calibrated measurements of the current-voltage characteristic at the ISFH-CalTeCThe "Solar cell efficiency tables" are one of the most important references for the...
ISFH’s innovative solar house concept achieves 20% more yield at 35% lower costs
Installation of the thermal activation into the ceiling between cellar and ground floor in the prototype building.Heating room with measurement equipment (in the center), heat pump and buffer storageThe Institute for Solar Energy Research (ISFH) has successfully...
Dr. Thorsten Dullweber awarded the prize of the Industrial Research Foundation for solar cells that are light-sensitive on both sides
from right to left: Thorsten Dullweber (ISFH, 1st prize), Dr. Thomas Gräbener (curator of the Industrial Research Foundation), Dr. Felix Brüggemann (University of Bochum, 3rd prize).he PERC+ solar cell that is light-sensitive on both sides and yields up to 25% higher...
Am Ohrberg 1 | 31860 Emmerthal
Tel.: +49(0)5151-999 100
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